quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Start working in primary schools

This week I presented my proposal to work in two primary schools of education in practice and I know a little of the education bureaucracy in Malawi. The Standard series are divided by 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. The compulsory subjects are English, arts, chechewa, agriculture, mathematics, social, science and technology and Bible Knowledge.
So caveat to all books in the first layer contains information about HIV / AIDS, a clever idea, because sex life here begins from the age of 10, unfortunately many girls maintain a relationship by knowing what the boy can get financially, the question submission to the man and a big problem in Malawi.
My volunteer work plan and contribute to art classes, English, agriculture, science and technology and mathematics that.
I set to work painting on paper for the children of a standard which would help a lot to develop and motor coordination, as to paint the child needs to perform various movements however, the director thought I'd better work only with 4.5 and 6 Standard.
I know deficiencies of the educational system here, but I could see two schools on the quality of textbooks, but the reality in the classroom so I can tell in a few months.
These two schools receive help from UNICEF, Canadian International Germany Agency for Development and technical agency.
To arrive at the school spent about half an hour by bike is not easy because the streets are dirt, but all valid effort!!

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