Felicidade se encontra em horinhas de descuido.. Guimarães Rosa
Como se pode definir a palavra
felicidade?? - Uma sensacao de plena satisfacao! Nao, a felicidade e
feita de realizacoes diarias. Talvez sua composicao e dada por um
conjunto de realizacoes materias ou por um sentimento de afeto como
De uma coisa e certa,desde que o mundo
e mundo todos querem obter a tal felicidade, assim como qualquer
pessoa nesse mundo busco a minha felicidade for anotherway, nao fico
lamentando todas as tristeza da vida tento fazer a minha vida valer a
pena para mim mesma.
A vivencia no Malawi esta me trazendo
outra definicao de felicidade cuja a regra foge dos paramentos
cientistas. Essa nova definicao foi adquirida na interpretacao da
convivencia com as pessoas dos Villarejos aqui.
Nesta minha nova definicao a
felicidade e composta de doar o que se tem, e no meu caso a doacao
nao e financeira, pois sou voluntaria. A minha doacao e atraves de
amor,conversas,sorriso, respeito pela cultura e claro doacao do meu
conhecimento e nao e conhecimento academico, e sim o conhecimento do
dia a dia do Bom dia! Como voce esta?
Eu posso afirmar que toda vez que
estou num villarejo com criancas ou adultos a sensacao e sempre de
felicidade plena. E quando consigo interagir com as criancas ou
melhor, quando consigo quebrar a barreira da comunicacao com as
criancas que falam apenas o dialeto local Chechewa atinjo o orgasmo
da Felicidade!!!
Claro nem tudo e perfeito esse meu
artigo pode soar que tudo e perfeito mas claro existe diversos
problemas como mortes decorrentes pela Malaria,
desnutricao,saneamento basico e um grande numero de orfaos devido
epidemia de HIV/AIDS. E estranho dizer que falta educacao, pois
quando penso na definicao de educacao nas Village soa como forma de
colonizacao, de impor o que acredito que seja melhor para aquela
cultura; prefiro dizer que existe uma falta de conhecimento
racionalista, tecnologico e o meu papel aqui e a “troca de
conhecimentos” seja ,ingles,artes,sociologico etc.
Enfim apesar das dificuldade estou
sendo feliz aqui no Malawi
How can you define the word happiness? - A feeling of satisfaction! No, the joy of
accomplishment and made daily.
Perhaps its composition is given by a set of
material accomplishments or a feeling of
affection and love, family, friends.
From one thing is certain, since the world and the world everyone wants to get such happiness, as well as anyone in this world I seek my happiness is another way, I'm not mourning all the sadness of life try to make my life worth living for me same.
The experience in Malawi is bringing me another definition of happiness which the rule avoids the trappings scientists. This new definition was acquired in the interpretation of coexistence with people of Village here.
In my new definition made up of happiness and donate what you have and in my case the gift is not financial, because I am voluntarily. My donation is through love, talk, smile, respects for culture and of course my knowledge of the donation and it is not academic knowledge, but knowledge of the daily Good day! How are you?
I can say that every time I'm in a Village children or adults with the sensation of happiness and always full. And when you interact with the kids, or better, when you break the barrier of communication with children who speak only the local dialect Chechewa I reach orgasm of Happiness!
Of course not all perfect and that my article may sound perfect and everything but of course there are various problems such as deaths caused by malaria, malnutrition, sanitation and a large number of orphans due to HIV / AIDS. And strange to say that lack education, because when I think of the definition of education in the Village sounds like a form of colonization, to impose what they believe is best for that culture, I prefer to say that there is a lack of rational knowledge, technological and my role here and "knowledge exchange" that is, English, arts, sociology, etc.
From one thing is certain, since the world and the world everyone wants to get such happiness, as well as anyone in this world I seek my happiness is another way, I'm not mourning all the sadness of life try to make my life worth living for me same.
The experience in Malawi is bringing me another definition of happiness which the rule avoids the trappings scientists. This new definition was acquired in the interpretation of coexistence with people of Village here.
In my new definition made up of happiness and donate what you have and in my case the gift is not financial, because I am voluntarily. My donation is through love, talk, smile, respects for culture and of course my knowledge of the donation and it is not academic knowledge, but knowledge of the daily Good day! How are you?
I can say that every time I'm in a Village children or adults with the sensation of happiness and always full. And when you interact with the kids, or better, when you break the barrier of communication with children who speak only the local dialect Chechewa I reach orgasm of Happiness!
Of course not all perfect and that my article may sound perfect and everything but of course there are various problems such as deaths caused by malaria, malnutrition, sanitation and a large number of orphans due to HIV / AIDS. And strange to say that lack education, because when I think of the definition of education in the Village sounds like a form of colonization, to impose what they believe is best for that culture, I prefer to say that there is a lack of rational knowledge, technological and my role here and "knowledge exchange" that is, English, arts, sociology, etc.
Anyway despite the
difficulty I am happy being here in Malawi.
Bom dia meu amor! Tudo bem?
ResponderExcluirPaulinha achei sensacional sua definição de felicidade.
Isso que vc esta fazendo não tem definição.
Quando leio e vejos suas fotos me emociono muito.
Seu sorriso sempre foi lindo, mas agora ele ta mais lindo ainda.
Parabéns por tudo que tem feito.
Estou aqui na sua torcida.
Super beijo.