This blog has how objective to tell my new simple life and experience in Malawi. Este blog tem como objetivo contar à minha nova vida e experiencias no Malawi.
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
Big Teacher Traine
Os dias estao passando muito rapido sexta feira passada realizei meu terceiro grande evento para os professores da preeschool.
Nesta vez falei sobre como se prevenir do mosquito da Malaria e sobre alguns remedios naturais. Fiquei feliz pois eles interagem bastante. Meu objetivo era entender o que eles sabiam sobre Malaria e como iria trabalhar se acaso tiver uma crianca com sintomas de Malaria na Escola.
E sempre importante falar sobre a Malaria pois mes que vem comeca estacao de chuva , e os mosquitos atacam e a epoca que mais morrem criancas no Malawi.
O Governo cede gratuitamente o medicamento para as pessoas que contraim Malaria porem, as pessoas que moram nas areas rurais geralmente nao vao ao hospital muitas por falta de dinheiro para transporte.
Esse mes consegui administratar melhor o dinheiro, pois consegui transporte gratuito para trazer a comida do mercado ate DAPP Chilangoma. Esse mes nada de Nshima no cardapio e sim Arroz,Feijao e Salada e consegui comprar sabao para fazer loteria.
Esse grande evento para os professores da preeschool foi especial pois fiz apresentacao sozinha e me senti segura e o melhor consegui passar a messagem de forma simples. Tudo aqui tem que ser forma bem simples nada de termos tecnicos pois se complica muito eles nao consegue entender.
Os professores da preeschol para mim sao pessoas especial pois eles nao recebem nenhuma ajuda do governo, dispoem do seu tempo com as criancas por puro voluntariado.
Dia de Big Teacher Trainee e tudo muito corrido comeco a trabalaha a seis e meia e so para as cinco horas da tarde, mas quando termina me sinto com o dever comprido....
Big Teacher Trainee
the days are passing very fast last Friday performed my third great event for teachers of preschool.
This time I talked about how to prevent the malaria mosquito and on some natural remedies. I was very happy because they interact. My goal was to understand what they knew about malaria and how it would work if they happen to have a child with symptoms of Malaria in School.
It is always important to talk about Malaria starts next month as the rainy season and mosquitoes attack and the time that more children die in Malawi.
The government gives free medicine to people who get Malaria however; people living in rural areas generally do not go to the hospital a lot for lack of money for transportation.
This month administrative got better money, as I managed to free transport to bring food from the market until Chilangoma DAPP. This month nshima anything on the menu but rice, beans and salad and was able to buy soap lottery.
This great event for teachers of preschool presentation was special because I felt alone and safe and better able to pass the message simple. Everything here has to be quite simply anything technical terms get complicated because they cannot understand.
Teachers preschool of people for me are special because they do not receive any government aid, have their time with the children of pure volunteerism.
Big Day Teacher Trainee and all very hard work the race began six and a half and only for five hours in the afternoon, but when I'm finished with the duty long....
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