sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Inicio de Trabalho / Started Work

Inicio de trabalho
Semana passada inicei meu trabalho no projeto Formacao de  Professores (Teacher Training in Chilangoma). Esse projeto tem como objetivo formar professores para trabalhar nas comunidades rurais. As comunidades rurais do Malawi tem uma enorme carencia de professores e tambem nessa area que se concentra 80% da  pobreza do Pais.
Os futuros professores tem como disciplinas curriculares; English, Women's Advocate, Entrepreneurship, community Leader and Health Worker. A metodologia de ensino e composta por teoria e pratica, ou seja, sala de aula e trabalho nas comunidades rurais.
A priori trabalho com a disciplina Women's Adovacate confesso que fiquei meio perdida quando entrei em sala pela primeira vez, nervosismo por ser tudo novo e por nao entender realmente o que iria desenvolver. Mas no dia a dia de trabalho junto com os alunos, compreendi que mais do que informar teoricamente sobre os direitos da mulher o foco princinpal e a conscientizacao do poder da mulher perante a  sociedade.Ademais tirar o genero feminino do preconceito machista presente aqui tambem.
Infelizmente o preconceito e machismo na sociedade Malawiana e muito forte sera preciso muitos anos de trabalho para reveter a real situacao do genero feminino.
Algumas alunas  me questionaram se eu era casada e se tinha filhos. A minha resposta de Nao ser casada e nem ter procriado gerou um espanto, mas tentei explicar de forma positiva que nao preciso ser casada para ser feliz, enfim elas respeitaram minha opinao mas nao senti que concordam com a minha ideia.
Enfim, a troca de experiencias em sala, esta sendo valiosa acredito que para ambas as partes!

Started Working
Last week I began working on the project of teacher education (Teacher Training in Chilangoma). This project aims to train teachers to work in rural communities. Rural communities in Malawi has a huge shortage of teachers and also in this area that concentrates 80% of the poverty of the country.
Prospective teachers have as curricular subjects, English, Women's Advocate, Entrepreneur, Community Leader and Worker Health. The teaching methodology and consists of theory and practice, ie, classroom and work in rural communities.
The prior work in this discipline Women's Advocate confess that when I got a little lost in the classroom for the first time to be nervous all new and not really understand what would develop. But on the day to day work with students, I realized that rather than theoretically informed about women's rights principal focus and awareness of the power of women before the society.Nevertheless get the female Marxist bias present here too.
Unfortunately, prejudice and sexism Malawian society will be very strong and have many years of work for the real situation reverse female.
Some students questioned me if I was married and had children. My answer to not being married and not have interbred generated a shock, but tried to explain in a positive way that does not need to be married to be happy, finally they respected my OPINION but I felt that not agree with my idea.
Finally, the exchange of experiences in the classroom, I believe this is valuable for both parties!

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